Example Questions & Answers
Sample Questions
Unbiased Questions
- Where and when were you born?
- Give the names of your father and mother. Where did they come from?
- Give names of your brothers and sisters.
- How many acres in the plantation? How many slaves on it?
- Tell about your life with them and describe your home and the “quarters.” Describe the beds and where you slept.
- What did the slaves do when they went to their quarters after the day’s work was done on the plantation?
- What did you eat and how was it cooked? Any possums? Rabbits? Fish? What food did you like best? Did the slaves have their own gardens?
Biased Questions
- Was the overseer “poor white trash”? What were some of his rules?
- Did the slaves ever run away to the North? Why?
- What did you hear about patrollers? How did slaves carry news from one plantation to another? Did you hear of trouble between the blacks and whites?
- Stories about “Raw Head and Bloody Bones” or other “hants” of ghosts? Stories about animals?
- What do you think of voodoo? Tell about the ghosts you have seen.
- Now that slavery is ended what do you think of it?
- Tell why you joined a church and why you think all people should be religious.
Sample Answers
WPA Answer
Bettie Massingale Bell, Mobile, Alabama. The American Slave: A Composite Autobiography: Supplement, Series 1.